My idea involves somewhat combining stories that deal with the same topic. Take the "Plane Crashed into an NYC Residential Building" that DuggTrends points out. Most of the stories come from different sources technically making them original stories. The only problem is that they are duplicate information. Why not allow people to add alternate sources to already submitted stories? Perhaps it could look something like this?

The result would be similar to Google News, which lists all the related links to the same story. When new information comes out regarding the story, a new story submission is warranted. Using the example above, the new story would have been "Pilot of NYC Plane Crash was Yankees Pitcher Cory Lidle".
I guess it all comes down to people wanting to get front page stories rather than trying to contribute to whatever social news community they prefer.
Edit: After some good feedback, I thought I would add to the idea by having a similar feature to comments whereby users can vote the sources up and down. Like so:

Great idea! I'm all for it.
I think this is an excellent idea. It would help round out discussions. Maybe also, if someone submits the story as an entirely separate story their could be an option sort of like "Bury", to allow users to associate the story with another story - and if enough people associated the story, then it would become a part of that story.
Sounds good, and nice mock-up.
Its too easy to game digg this way, spammers can easily tag on useless URL onto the front stories that people digged.
That is a great idea, i hope you have emailed someone at digg
You could also use Tailrank since we naturally support clustering by default :-)
It would be prone to spam, but I'm sure there are solutions.
Here's an idea: for stories with multiple sources, the story itself is what's important and not one particular source. So list the different sources within a story and let diggs decide within the story which url is the primary link. anything without enough independent diggs is never seen, just the same.
It's a great idea but I can bet $50 bucks that it won't stop people from not just posting a duplicate but Diggers digging it to the same exact story to main page.
The first french digglike has a similar option
Example :
Good idea, but it might lead to more spam.
Spammer find their competition, and submit many alternate sources.
A friend of mine actually already built a site like this, you submit a topic or story you want to follow, and people can tack links onto the story and "folllow" the topic as it progresses.
You have An interesting topic.
"Good good fortune receiving folks powering this one. Although you make some Really fascinating factors, youre going to need to do a lot more than bring up a couple of details that may possibly be unique than what weve already heard. What are trying to say here? What do you would like us to feel? It seems like you cant genuinely get behind a unique thought. Anyway, thats just my view."
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